Kick, “I’m not good enough,” to the Curb.

Get out of your own way and onto building a life you love with Mental Fitness.

Is Mental Fitness for You?

  • You want a mental & emotional refresh

  • You’re tired of cycling through stress, anxiety and overwhelm

  • You feel frustrated, knowing you’re not performing up to your potential

  • You want to be more present with family and friends

  • You feel completely drained at the end of the day

  • You keep jumping from one goal to the next, never feeling good enough

Enhanced Mental Fitness Creates Breakthrough Results



The best results often come when we’ve been working in the zone - learn how to cultivate that feeling of clarity, flow and presence in everything you do.



Release stress and gain peace through learning to make conscious choices about how you respond to even the most challenging events.



Improve your relationships, starting with the one you have with yourself. Grow your empathy, handle conflicts with grace and deepen your connection to others.


Be Happier, Perform Better.

Imagine you want to climb a picturesque mountain but you’re not physically fit. If you want to avoid major physical stress (exhaustion, difficulty breathing, altitude sickness) as you climb, you begin training to enjoy the climb and improve your performance.

What if that picturesque mountain is a metaphor and you’re climbing for increased confidence, leadership presence, and ease? If you want to limit mental stress (imposter syndrome, anxiety, frustration or unhappiness), then strengthening your mental fitness is key to enjoying your journey.

The work of Mental Fitness is based in recent breakthroughs in the fields of neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology and performance science. The research is detailed in Shirzad Chamine’s New York Times bestselling book, Positive Intelligence.

This was Cate’s experience. What will you say about yours?

Cate Stambaugh | Marketing Coordinator and Side Hustle Extraordinaire

Cate Stambaugh | Marketing Coordinator and Side Hustle Extraordinaire


When I first met Claire I was juggling my 9-5, multiple side hustles and my social life and personal relationships. I always felt like I was running to the next thing and never had time to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment I was living in.

Claire introduced me to the PQ program and it has really helped me with my personal and professional development. Through this program I learned what qualities I have that hold me back, and how to turn these into gifts.

Claire was so intentional in every Pod session and encouraged and cultivated conversation. After 6 short weeks, I find myself being present in all the facets of my life and growing more and more each day!

Boost Your Mental Fitness in 6 Weeks

With weekly videos and daily exercises, you will build three new muscles:

  1. Saboteur Interceptor Muscle - which notices, names and diminishes the negative voices in your mind, causing stress, frustration and ultimately holding you back.

  2. Sage Muscle - which supports you to make strong choices through the lenses of empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation and activation.

  3. Self-Command Muscle - which positions you to choose how you want to respond to even the most challenging situations so you can build a life you love.


Week 1: Boost Your Self-Command Muscle.

Develop the skills so that you can run your brain instead of the saboteurs in your brain running you.

Week 2: Intercept the Judge Saboteur

Expose the most powerful lies about yourself, others around you and your circumstances you’ve accepted so far. Notice them so that you can begin to paint a different picture of your potential, your relationships and your life.

Week 3: Intercept Your Accomplice Saboteurs

Identify and weaken 1-2 other saboteur tendencies ultimately slowing you down in frustration and worry. Your accomplice saboteurs are unique to you and may be one or a few of these: Avoider, Controller, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Vigilant, Pleaser, Restless, Stickler, Victim.

Week 4: Shift from Saboteur to Sage

Tap into your sage-mind through specialized techniques to keep you centered, positive and effective. This is the start of a new way of thinking and being!

Week 5: Boost Your Sage Powers

Practice the Sage Powers of empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation and activation. Boost your emotional intelligence through their use and know when to use each power at the right time.

Week 6: Take Clear-Headed, Laser-Focused Action

Tap into your greatest sage to connect to a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in everything you do. Confidently get back on track as daily challenges try to get in your way. Experience your life, “in the zone,” and your relationships in harmony.


Claire Becker, MA, ACC

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

I am so confident in the value of Mental Fitness, that I offer a 100% risk-free guarantee. Engage with the program through the first 4 weeks and if for any reason, you’re unsatisfied with the progress you’ve gained let me know and I’ll return your investment.

How Your Mental Fitness Program Works


Share Your Interest.


I offer this intensive Mental Fitness coaching program to highly motivated leaders every 8 weeks and spots fill up quickly. Book a call with me to discuss your fit for the program.

Schedule 15 Minutes with Claire


Get to Know Your App & Your Team.


The Mental Fitness Program centers on a digital app and weekly group coaching conversations. Both will deepen your reflection and growth. I’ll make sure you can confidently navigate your personalized app and will support our team in creating a confidential and impactful coaching space.


Engage Weekly.


Each week engage in a 60-minute video call and a 60-minute group coaching call (scheduled to fit your needs). Build your mental fitness every day through the interactive app through gym sessions and daily progress tracking.

Kelly’s experience positively impacted many of those she cared about most.

Kelly Schaer | Assistant Director, Carmen Schools of Science & Technology

Kelly Schaer | Assistant Director, Carmen Schools of Science & Technology


When I began the Mental Fitness for Transitions program, my goal was to learn from current challenges at work and develop an exit plan while looking for new opportunities. This experience supported me refocus on me and how I was seeing the world.  I really valued how much the coaching experience kept me out of my own victim complex and supported a healthy look and understanding of myself in relationship with others.  

Through the program, I achieved a much larger sense of contentment.  I also discovered and learned new things about myself that really have created great conversations with my family and friends to understand myself and them better.  This has led to better conversations in my personal and professional life and continued learning in how to approach conversations that I find difficult.

How could your mental fitness radiate outward?

Commit to Your Mental Fitness.


Weaken Your Saboteurs.


Strengthen Your Inner Sage.


Build a Life You Love.



Will this really work for me?

Thousands of CEOs, students and professionals have engaged with Mental Fitness and seen increased happiness, performance and improved relationships. The progress comes from their dedication to daily practice building a new skill.

What is my time commitment?

Estimate about 2 hours between Saturday and Tuesday for a 1-hour training video and 1-hour coaching call. Dedicate about 15 minutes per weekday in mental muscle-building exercises via a personalized app.

What is the app?

The Positive Intelligence App is available for download on all smart devices and is your key to building your mental fitness. It stores all training videos, provides ongoing reminders to practice the new sage-skills you have learned, and connects you to the broader PQ community.

What if I am not satisfied with my results?

I’m proud to offer a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee to all of my Mental Fitness Clients. I invite you to try the first 4 weeks of the program and see its power for yourself. If for any reasons you are unsatisfied, I’ll happily return your investment.

Isn’t a little stress good for you?

A parallel question may be, “isn’t pain good for you?” and the answer is yes! The pain from touching a hot stove can teach us to keep our hands away and protect us. Strengthening mental fitness isn’t about eliminating pain completely, it’s about moderating and releasing it when it’s no longer useful.

You don’t keep your hand on the hot stove for more than half a second, right? Then you’ve learned and know what to do next time.

What if you could limit your stress to half a second, learn, and know what to do next? This is the work of Mental Fitness.