Energy Leadership Index Assessment

The Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The E.L.I., and robust, accompanying debrief opens the door to increased self-awareness and a grander possibility of choice in how you show up to lead.


Listen to the real thing!

Click here to hear a bit of my Energy Leadership Index Assessment debrief with collaborators Billy and Ashley Moyer.

Own Your Energy with the E.L.I.


This assessment will unearth opportunities to explore your energy and how you can consciously grow yourself and in turn, your impact. As part of the debrief, you’ll also learn about the seven levels of energy and how these play a role in your own life and leadership.

Using these ELI results as a benchmark, you can begin to exercise choice in how you show up, respond and lead. You can experience a noticeable energy change, greater alignment with your purpose and a boost in your impact.



There are two types of energy; we all embody both types. Core Energy Coaching supports you to keep them in balance!

Anabolic energy is a constructive, building up force that fosters creativity, passion, possibility and connection. When we live in anabolic energy, we lead through statements like, “I want to…,” or, “I choose to…”

Catabolic energy can break down the body and mind over time. It propels us in moments of fight-or-flight responses, giving us energy to move fast. If we lead too much from a catabolic space, we can feel how it eats away at our wellness, relationships and long-term success. Cues to notice we are leading from a catabolic state come in phrases such as, “I have to…,” or, “I need to…”


There are two main types of assessments: Personality and Attitudinal.

Personality based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. are very valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can have more of an understanding about what their strengths and weaknesses are. By understanding your personality and how it relates to what you do, you can adapt your behavior to "work with what you have," to function effectively.

The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness.


The best part about our sessions was diving into that holistic approach by completing the ELI assessment. When I initially came to Claire, I thought that I just needed advice on how to beef up the verbiage on my resume. The ELI helped me see that my attitude needed a major upgrade! The ELI assessment took me to a higher energetic level and has led me to think more positively about each day. I’m so happy that I found Claire, and I recommend her to anyone looking to elevate their life!

-Courtney Omernick

Make sure your energy is serving you.


To learn more about the Energy Leadership Index, visit the official page.

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