What is Coaching?

What is Coaching?

Coaching is one of many methods you can leverage to enhance your life. When you turn to a coach (over a mentor, friend, advisor or therapist), you get someone who guides you through conversation in uncovering your motivations, barriers, and your unique path toward achieving your biggest goals. I will serve as your partner through weekly coaching sessions via phone, video chat or in person.

How do I know if coaching would benefit me?

Coaching is about growth, and growth is for everyone, every day. At the same time, there are moments that you can maximize by having a coach:

  • You are in transition (in your job, in your relationships, in your life)

  • You are looking for a change

  • You are wondering if you should take that new opportunity

  • You have experienced a recent loss and want to re-center

  • You are curious if more is out there for you (opportunity, adventure, possibility)

What’s the difference between coaching, mentoring, and consulting?

Great question! Check out the article I wrote about this on LinkedIn - it paints the picture of how each type of professional can support you through an example of needing to find more joy in life.

What is Claire’s coaching like?

My methodology is based in Core Energy Coaching. This technique enables leaders to hold mirrors up to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities to transform from the inside out. In coaching, we also incorporate the Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) Assessment and personalized debrief to open the door to increased self-awareness and a grander possibility of choice in how you show up to lead. Learn more about the E.L.I. here!

Personally, you can expect me to live into my value of taking the work seriously, and myself not too seriously - I’m known to share jokes (hilarious or less than, depends on your sense of humor), express big enthusiasm, and find the joy. I’ll also share upfront that I don’t love following conventional expectations; you can expect me to encourage you to think outside the box, ditch the “shoulds” and create your own rules for a meaningful and impactful life.

What is my commitment?

Your first commitment is to yourself, and you can make that in many ways. If you are interested in coaching, start by reaching out to me for an initial conversation. If in our conversation you see value, we’ll move forward with a coaching package!

There’s one best way to see if coaching will be a great fit for you…